Configure FreshRSS With OIDC Auth

- 3 mins read


FreshRSS has relatively good documentation but I did find a couple things confusing when attempting to add OIDC authentication via Keycloak. As a result the below set of steps should guide other in setting up their instance.



  • FreshRSS: 1.23.1
    • Apache version, Alpine does not work with OIDC auth at this time
  • Keycloak: 21.1.2

Setup Keycloak OIDC

In the realm you intend on using, create a new OIDC client.

General Settings

Key Value Example
Client Type OpenID Connect N/A
Client ID Can be anything https://<my domain>/i/oidc/
Name Can be anything FreshRSS

Capability config

Only one setting needs to be changed, enable “Client authentication”.

Login settings

Key Value Example
Root URL Leave empty
Home URL Home URL of FreshRSS instance
Valid redirect URIs https://<my domain>:<my port>/i/oidc/
Valid post logout redirect URIs Leave empty
Web origins Leave empty

This URL MUST contain the port used by your FreshRSS instance. If this is omitted you will receive and invalid redirect warning.

Obtain client credentials

After submitting the client above a client secret will be generated, this will be needed for FreshRSS. You can collect it by selecting the newly created client –> Credentials –> Client Secret.

Credentials Secret

Deploy FreshRSS

Set FreshRSS ENV vars

Below is a stripped down FreshRSS deployment config, the environment vars below are what are needed to get things rolling, do note this is obviously not a secure way to handle secrets in Kubernetes but that is not the point of this post. Handle you secrets appropriately.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  labels: freshrss
  name: freshrss
    matchLabels: freshrss
      labels: freshrss
        - name: freshrss
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - name: OIDC_ENABLED
              value: "1"
            - name: OIDC_PROVIDER_METADATA_URL
              value: "https://<hostname>/realms/<realm name>/.well-known/openid-configuration"
            - name: OIDC_CLIENT_ID
              value: "https://<freshrss host>/i/oidc/"
            - name: OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET
              value: "<client secret found in previous step>"
            - name: OIDC_CLIENT_CRYPTO_KEY
              value: "<any random encryption string>"
            - name: OIDC_SCOPES
              value: "openid email profile"
            - name: OIDC_X_FORWARDED_HEADERS
              value: "X-Forwarded-Port X-Forwarded-Proto X-Forwarded-Host"

Setup FreshRSS

After FreshRSS has been deployed you will need to run through the installation process. After setting up the database you will be taken to the final step. You will know all settings are correct when two conditions are met:

Login Defaults

You will notice the greyed out user is your username on Keycloak, if it is not, the OIDC process failed. The authentication method should also now allow you to select HTTP. If you can not select HTTP auth, OIDC has failed. Fill out the username, and select HTTP auth, but skip passing in a password. Like below:

Login Filled Out

At this point you are done, ODIC authentication should be working. However if you like to use an external application like Fluent Reader

Setup external application

To access the Fever API, it needs to be enabled from the Authentication section in Administration. See below:

Authentication Section

Now move up to your users Profile section and input an API password:

API Password

You are now all good to go, the Fever API can now be accessed at https://<freshrss host>/api/fever.php
